It remains to this day, 50 years later, the only feature film the two have worked on. This 1973 drive-in gem was directed by one Christopher Speeth and written by Werner Liepolt. This brings me to today’s feature – Malastesta’s Carnival of Blood. Roving bands of strangers blowing into town naturally raise suspicions among townsfolk, do they not? Whether those prejudices are justified or not, they remain all the same. It comes, it goes, and so do the people who operate it. There is an innate sense that the carnival is hiding something. When was the last time those monstrosities were properly serviced, you wonder. The games are rigged and the rides are huge, clanking things of oil and metal. As fun as it may be to take the family or a date out for a fun night at the carnival, you always get the sense it’s not necessarily a wholesome place. The bright, multicolored lights, the dizzying swirl of calliope music and cacophonous rattling of the rides, the stench of popcorn, funnel cakes, and oiled machinery all merging and wafting through the air…it’s all artifice. What makes a carnival such a fertile place to set your horror tale in? Maybe it’s the thin veneer of joy and cheer that raises our hackles. We’ve had a handful of prominent, frightening tales take advantage of the unique aesthetic and eerie unreality an amusement park can offer over the years. There was no choreographer, nothing.Ĭarnivals and amusement parks are a prime setting for horror stories. I already talked to her and she’s willing to dance with the snake.’ I had to overcome my greatest fear. It’s my greatest fear.’ And he said, ‘Well Madonna will do it.

Quentin told me, ‘Oh by the way you’re dancing with a snake.’ And I said, ‘I can’t do that. Hayek continued, revealing how Tarantino got her to do the scene: And from that dance, Quentin saw it and wrote me the part in From Dusk Till Dawn… where of course he makes me dance only for him. Put a bathing suit on and we won’t see your face.’ So I did it. They were casting strippers for Four Rooms (I was not a part of that), and the day of the shoot, in the morning, Robert called me and said, ‘Can you please come and be the stripper? We won’t see your face.’ He goes, ‘Just put a bathing suit on. Over 20 years after the release of the film, Hayek recalls how she landed the role in a chat with Yahoo: One of the most memorable scenes in From Dusk Till Dawn saw a bikini-clad Salma Hayek dance around on stage as sexy snake-whisperer Santanico Pandemonium. It’s part crime thriller, part vampire flick, and it’s one of the very best horror films to come out of the decade that’s often considered be the genre’s all around worst. Tarantino of course co-wrote (and starred in) the Robert Rodriguez-directed From Dusk Till Dawn, which feels very much like, well, a Quentin Tarantino horror movie.
From dusk till dawn salma hayek costume movie#
Movie fans are often begging for Quentin Tarantino to make a horror movie, but we kind of already got one way back in 1996. Can you believe it’s already been over 20 years?